Saturday, February 13, 2010

Virus Going Around February 2010 Update On My Husband And Our Lack Of Sex Life?.Only For Those Who Read And Answered My Previous Question?

Update on my husband and our lack of sex life?.Only for those who read and answered my previous question? - virus going around february 2010

And my husband and I had to remind happily married for almost 18 years have not slept together since the end of February .. Now we had a conversation this morning at 6 clock and it appears that each of us thought the other was not interested in sex because the other down, and it was 1, why not start from us. . I asked him whether he was sexually attracted me and said: "Of course, and always will be" .. Well, we, I do not have time to do something on that ground in the morning I left for work a few minutes and tonight was very patient and not a virus, we catch up with what is, but hopefully tomorrow night. .. lol Not that they have no erection problems, because we made this morning, just a joke, and wasIon ... Several times he said, were only going to him and with his arms down and get that was the case this morning .. So for all the people who said she was not sexually attracted to me was more or erectile problems, so we were completely wrong, and I knew ... Remember that 44 years, and I'm 40th


Sha Re' said...

Good for you, I hope everything goes ...

Bella said...

Good for you!
And the "Yeah Right" thing!
WOW ... You say you are "happy"
Who are you cheating? Heavy!
You must be a GLOBAL miserable, but to show happiness or someother EMOTION you turn around and talk. ARE YOU seriously that ignorant
Matrimonial Nobody asked you on your "Who Cares. You must be miserable. JUST LIKE PPL MISERALBLE hurt others .....
So good luck to you ... =)

I regret that I was really disturbed! geezz

Im just answering your question! said...

Sorry for the review and the last time you have, it is necessary to wait to hear what you do not want to hear.
Otherwise, pleased to hear that things are good again.

ahmed k said...

If there is a will there's a way.

likittys... said...

Glad to hear ... Good luck

yeahrigh... said...

Yes, hurry, now, tomorrow the flu. The Day After Tomorrow has a headache and blah, blah, blah. what u re, 12 believe that the apology? If a man is running and no problems have erectional that regardless of who starts. I more or husband have no problem with viruses and headaches, and what starts your questions. If u have the passion and become one with the other excuses not to return. In any case, if u want to further: Who am I to stop fooled u? Good luck.

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