Thursday, January 7, 2010

Viral Inhibitor "Killing" A Virus?

"Killing" a virus? - viral inhibitor

I'm in a debate with a friend. Reiterates that it is possible to kill "a virus cleaning a needle in bleach or alcohol. I maintain a semantic argument, which indicates that it is impossible to kill a virus, because it is in fact alive does not matter.

Extends the debate and declared that the body prevents the virus if they want to get rid of them by the introduction of viral inhibitors, and so does the virus Benin. He says it is such a thing even if the state of several sources for my argument.

My question is: Is it possible to kill or destroy a virus through the use of bleach or alcohol?
Let me go and thank someone who has dandruff, light on this problem and help me to resolve this debate.


TJTB said...

Good question!
Yes, you can kill a virus, even outside the body, if the definition of death is the permanent deactivation of the operation. A strong acid is another effective way to de-nature of a virus. Live or) discuss (not to be, there is no discussion of a virus can kill them, kill them by a definition of the word.

Stephani... said...

Your friend is correct. HCV-take, for example. Blood is born. anotherwords need blood to survive. Studies are not yet conclusive whether HCV is killed bleach. HCV can be spread and, if introduced in the blood of someone elses and only takes a particle to infect with the naked eye and it is still possible to communicate.
HCV is one of these viruses was no chance of an exchange of needles had been cleaned with chlorine.
On alcohol, which is used as a buffer to clean an area on the arm before the injection. (Helps dirt). Not long ago, that's not really clean the surface that may occur to maintain the possibility of infection, but it will not share in preventing the spread of endemic diseases, drugs such as HIV, HBV and HCV known.

The debate is still in motion. But if the HCV is in question, the jury is still on the way and chlorine could affect HCV.

for HCV in the body of a man? is established as 88% of those who are exposed to a chronic infection.The reason for this is that changes in the HCV sequences (especially in the liver, but studies have shown that it has five areas of replication in the body). Our body's immune system is disturbed by the first infection with HCV, however, occur when the changes start, they confused our defense and our interferon is not only confusing, it is overloaded and, last but not can not understand what this fight.

As usual, HCV can remain infectious in dried blood, even in up to 4 days outside the body. when blood and a person with HCV is contagious and can play to reintroduce other bloodstream.

Note that even if a virus can not live "will be finished, because once established, the host material is active. Therefore, the virus has always said that "hump", in appropriate cases.

Another reason why they say that washing hands with soap and water .... get rid of germs that the lessons of the possibility thatTransmission. but that's put all of their actions. there's really nothing like the sterilization of wastewater other than HOT HOT.

Why go staphylococci in hospitals than anywhere else? Not because the place is dirty, simply because it is impossible to make the place completely sterile.

lol many of the arguments

Aim said...

It is possible, but long since biochemistry - I think destroying the destruction of the viral DNA or RNA inside or with the virus reservoir.

The Doc said...

Semantics aside, one can certainly be a virus nonfuctional with bleach or alcohol (depending on the virus, but chlorine kills), most things.
From what I understand, is still arguing over whether viruses live "treats" in the same way as bacteria, plants and animals, but they can so that they are not able to reproduce even when the corresponding machine, whether "live" can be imported to be killed.
The shape of the body against viruses is very similar to how it is with bacteria, which gave both humeral (antibody) and cell-mediation systems. The virus can be inactivated by antibodies bind to them from circulation by cells adapted deduced that the antibodies recognize.

Hot Mom said...

Yes, chlorine destroys most viruses or bacteria.

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